Home » Play Like A Pro: Apex Legends Tips & Tricks

Play Like A Pro: Apex Legends Tips & Tricks

by Zaraki Kenpachi
Apex Legends main group of fighters
The Crew is all here!

Apex Legends remains one of the best battle royale games you can play in this century. This game producers have checked all the crucial boxes, from the combat and strategy down to the other minute details. In this game, you can enjoy a lot, especially when talking about character flexibility. There’s no limit to the fun that you can have while exploring the game. However, there’s a significant problem that many gamers may face. With these Apex Legends tips and tricks pro guide, we hope to help you fix that.

One of the issues that may come up deals with winning. How can you maintain a consistent record of making wins in the game? It’s not complicated. Please know that to win, you should know some helpful tips and tricks that will guide you. In this article, we will be going through some of the tricks that can help take your gameplay to a new level. Thankfully, if you’re a newbie, you have nothing to lose as well. Ensure you follow the various combat and strategy tips that this article has to offer.

Best Apex Legends Tips & Tricks

Playing Apex Legends can be a lot of fun. However, sometimes it can be frustrating and challenging as well. For this reason, you should get some practical hints that will help take your game to a whole new level. Please note that to understand the tips that this article provides, you may need to play the game once or twice. With that, you’d be able to comprehend the terms that we may use. If you haven’t played the game at all, there’s no cause for alarm; try taking note of what we’d unveil to you. Here are some of the strategy and combat tips that will help your gameplay.

1.    Understand Your Legend

understanding your player

This point sounds a little obvious, right? Yes, it’s a known point, but it’s also a crucial trick to having a better game and playing like a professional. The great news is that you don’t have to approach it with so much formality. Take it up as something interesting. Have fun as you understand your Legend.

The mistake many gamers make is that they take every Legend as equal. However, it would be best to remember that each Legend has a specific ability, strength, and personality unique to them. From the research we did, there can’t be duplicate legends. Every Legend has something peculiar to them so, you need to take your time to comprehend everything about your character. If you’re able to understand your Legend, you’d be able to build a fantastic team that will go a long way.

2.    Ensure You Have an Armor Before Taking A Fight

apex legends armor

One of the most important Apex Legends tips is getting armor! Even though you’re playing for the fun and love of the game, you need to note certain things. One of the things you need to understand about Apex Legends is that you shouldn’t take a fight without armor. On a lighter note, no one should fight without armor. So, taking up the game with that mindset can go a very long way. You’d notice that this principle is also the same for all battle royale games asides Apex Legends.

How do you go about this trick? Ensure that you have a recharged body armor ready for combat before engaging. Anything less than that could be disastrous. However, you may find yourself in a shootout without armor on some occasions. What do you do when this happens? In that scenario, ensure that your teammates with armor stay in the front lines.

3.    Use Your Abilities Well

There’s something popular among video gamers. Most of us are guilty of misusing special abilities. It’s not wrong to do that, especially when you’re playing for the fun of it. There are so many reasons why it’s essential to make perfect use of your Legend’s abilities. Always ensure that you are making the most of it, especially when you are using your Ultimate. Why is this essential, you may ask? If you misuse your abilities, then it can leave you vulnerable. At that point, you wouldn’t have access to crucial attack components.

Interestingly, this is one of the major causes of poor gaming performance. However, there’s another extreme. It deals with being too precious about your abilities. When you do that, you wouldn’t be able to make use of them when you must maximize them. By now, you’re wondering, “What’s the right way to maximize my abilities?” It’s advisable to use them when they are the only option.

4.    Understand Your Way Around Danger

There’s something we experience when talking about Apex Legends. It is one of the less direct Apex Legends tips, yet still massively important. It’s what we gamers call the “unfortunate situations.” No matter your level of expertise in this game, you’d always find yourself falling in dangerous situations now and then. The question you should ask is, “How do you get away from situations like this?” It can be very tricky to get out of those dangers; however, it’s not an impossible task.

It would help if you started from the root of the game when you’re choosing characters. Make sure you choose one with good experience in escaping dangerous conditions. Every one of the characters in the game has different abilities, so ensure you choose well. Let’s take a practical example. With Pathfinder’s grappling hook, you can quickly help your teammates escape a terrible situation. Another example similar to Pathfinder is Bangalore with her kit.

5.    Use Populated Areas to Your Advantage

Something common among battle royale games is the zones. There are always hot and populated zones in most cases. However, not every gamer knows how to take advantage of these areas. If you want to win in Apex Legends, you need to ensure that you are smart about those locations. You need to understand how you can utilize areas of Kings Canyon.

Interestingly, you wouldn’t hear a lot of people talk about the importance of these zones. However, they are one of the most critical factors of your gameplay. Examples of these vital areas are Jump Towers, Hot Zones, and Respawn Beacons. Once you start to see them as very crucial parts of your gameplay, you’d have a better experience with Apex Legends.


Everything you need in a game boils down to the strategy and combat. Although other things are essential as well, the strategy is the foundation of your gameplay. Apex Legends works based on that same principle. From the moment you’re able to master the strategy and combat, you are ready to begin your journey winning.

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